Fumiko Noguchi (Japanese)
Hello! My name is Fumiko. Four months have passed since I arrived in Cebu in January, 2009. The reason why I chose Cebu was that I can take one on one class with reasonable price and I love Asian country.
It is hot through whole year in Cebu and the sun is shining hard everyday. I think Philippine is a nice place to live because the price here is very reasonable and the food here is really delicious!
I like Filipino people because they always look happy. All staff in Dorm and teachers in USPF-ESL are all kind. I am supported by them a lot. When I feel blue, they come and talk to me with smile. More than anything, I feel more secure that there is a Japanese Staff who support us fully. She supports us not only in our studies and life in the dormitory, but also the affairs in private life, love and leisure.
Every time some friends finish their study and go back to their country, I feel sad. However, I am sure that my experiences here in Cebu are all precious that I will never experience if I were in Japan. I am very happy that I chose here and to be here. I love both Cebu and Filipino people. I would like to enjoy my stay in USPF-ESL and make it more meaningful and fruitful until my last day in Cebu.
●Email: uspfeslcebu@gmail.com ● 部落格Blog: http://uspfeslcebu.pixnet.net/blog ●
新浪Sina: http://blog.sina.com.cn/uspfesl
● Skype ID: a06a06423 ● QQ空間: 2366963591 ●
FaceBook臉書專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ESLinPhilippines ●
即時通Yahoo messenger: uspfesl@yahoo.com.tw ●
- Jun 05 Fri 2009 16:42
學生的推薦書-Fumiko Noguchi