I believe that even we live in this globe for just more than 5 years,
we can obviously find and feel the truth that -The World Is Changing-
In the weather, there are more and more typhoons and become stronger and stranger than before.
In the ocean, the surface and the level becomes higher and cover some low places.
And the most important, in the Climate, it no need to say because we can feel it,
which in summer is higher and higher, in winter is colder and colder.
And also, most of us know that the reason is because of ourselves.
We are used to depending on the modern materials too much.
We are lazy to bring the bag, we used the plastic.
We are intend to decorate things prettily, we used more and more packing.
There are more and more companies in the city, they turn on the airconditioners.
There are more and more people have their own transport, they load gas day and day.
There are more and more desire to the goods, they buy more and eliminate the old more.
I don't know whether the modern people think about the original resource about these Changes.
We are used to blaming the God and the Hell.
But have we ever criticise ourselves?
We have no sin, but we are the killer to kill ourselves.
Maybe we will think that I just do one thing, but we make much.
We can produce the movies which are so vivid and horrible about the fight back by the Nature.
But why not think if these tregedies are not just movies?
The alert of the Nature is ringing...
The environment around us are changing...
The animals between countries are disappearing...
The minerals we are depending on are decreasing...
And the Climate we are used to lining in is Changing...
It will do nothing if we just let it be and keep going.
And please do not think there are already no methods to change it.
Because we not yet try, how can we know is this really fixed.
So from now on, as the parts of the glogal town,
we should practice the priciples which are always heard by the advertisement of the government.
So from now on, as the ancestors of our desendants,
we shoule remain this wonderful world savely and kindly to them.
So from now on, as the power of the internet users,
we should evocate and pass this warn to another and the others.
The Climate is Changing,
And the ring of the Warn become loudly...
~This article is presented to the Unite of the Blog Action Day~
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- Oct 15 Thu 2009 00:00
Climate Change